578.6km, 9323m of climbing. What a week!!

From the minute we arrived at the airport I knew that this was going to be a terrific experience for both me, as the rider, and my family. The team that Ryder has assembled are top notch and did everything they needed to, and more, to ensure that all campers enjoyed themselves. The fantasy part of the camp – getting treated like a pro, riding with pros, massages, etc – is terrific. And it truly fulfilled any fantasies I had about participating in a pro training camp. Sure it was over the top luxury – that’s what Four Season is all about. And sure we were able to ride at our pace, stopping when we wanted without the pressure of training; but this was a fantasy camp in paradise.

The majority of the campers were veterans having participated in previous years; it’s clear why they keep coming back. And it’s why you’ll find me in Maui next December!