The MS Bike Tour is a pledge-based fundraising event that provides Canadians with the opportunity to ride through scenic and often spectacular parts of the country. Over 10,000 cyclists are expected to participate in the 22 one- and two-day tours taking place across Canada between June and September.

The MS Bike Tour has been a critical part of the MS Society’s fundraising efforts for over 20 years. Proceeds from this event and others like it fund innovative programs and services and support ground breaking research dedicated to finding a cure.

Having multiple sclerosis means that one morning you may not be able to walk when you wake up. Or that you may suddenly have impaired vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. The symptoms of MS are many and vary for everyone. Canada has one of the highest rates of MS in the world which is why we need your help.

Whether you’re a dedicated cyclist or looking for a bit of recreation, pedalling in the MS Bike Tours means you will be a part of an extraordinary group of Canadians who are getting outside to raise money in the fight against MS.

All you need is a bike and the passion to help find a cure for MS. Register now – be part of a future without MS!

Click here for more information.