Wow. That’s the best way to describe my experience this year with DuVine. I had high hopes for this trip, based solely on my adventure last year with DuVine. So high that I was a little nervous that if this trip didn’t live up to expectations it would tarnish my memories of Belgium. Thankfully the trip exceeded my hopes and met my (unreasonably high) expectations.
Every member of the DuVine team that I had dealings with were terrific. At my business we work under the mantra, “Make It Easy To Do Business With TwinPro” and I think DuVine do as well. They make it easy and offer services to make it even easier!
Our guides, Arien & Krysten, do all the standard guide things with skill and ease. But it’s the little things they do, above and beyond the expected and required, that made the trip truly exceptional.
This was my sixth cycling-specific trip and third to watch Le Tour. You’d think that getting to a spot at the side of the road to watch a bike race would be something that anyone could do; and you’d be right. But DuVine do more. They make it an event.
Most of us are familiar with the circus clown car where it appears as though an endless supply of clowns are packed into a tiny car. Arien and Krysten have harnessed that magic and used it to their advantage with a seemingly endless supply of treats and drinks, all prepared and presented at the side of the road as if from a complete kitchen!! Incroyable!
I’m sure that most readers have long since given up reading my praise for DuVine but if not… If you’re thinking of going on a cycling trip, please contact DuVine. And tell them I sent you. Thanks. Maybe I’ll see you on my next adventure with them.